Item No
Item Name
Power Range
Frequency Range
Insertion VSWR
General Purpose Wattmeter
100 mW to 10 kW (using Bird Plug-in Elements)
450 kHz - 2.7 GHz
(depending on element)
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
(with N Connectors)
General Purpose Wattmeter with Peak Reading Option
100 mW to 10 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz - 2.7 GHz
(depending on element)
Fixed 25-1000 MHz 5-500Watt Element, Wattmeter
5, 15, 50, 150, 500 W,
with no scale limitations except power limited to 150 W from 800-1000 MHz
25 MHz - 1.0 GHz
25-521 MHz, 1.05 max.
(with UHF female conn.)
512-1000 MHz, 1.07 max.
High-Power Wattmeter
50 W - 25 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz-2.3 GHz
(depending on element)
N Connectors 1.05 max.
Cellular Specialist Wattmeter
1.5, 5, 15, 50 W, with no scale limitations
440-960 MHz
1.05 with TNC connectors
(QC Type)
PEP, Single Element, Wattmeter
100 mW to 10 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz-2.7 GHz
(depending on element)
with N Connectors
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
PEP-Dual Element, Power Analyst
100 mW to 10 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz - 2.7 GHz
with N Connectors
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
Multipower Wattmeter
300 mW - 1 kW or 2 W - 10 kW full scale in one single Plug-in Element
200 kHz - 2.3 GHz CW or FM
with N Connectors
1.25 max. to 2300 MHz
Multipower Wattmeter
300 mW - 1 kW or 2 W - 10 kW full scale in one single Plug-in Element
200 kHz - 2.3 GHz CW or FM
with N Connectors
1.25 max. to 2300 MHz
Variable RF Tap, Wattmeter
5 kW max. 2-30 MHz
1 kW max. 30-1000 MHz
** using Bird Plug-in Elements*
with N Connectors
1.07 max.** to 1000 MHz
Average Reading Power Meter
1 W - 1000 W
2 MHz - 2.3 GHz
with N Connector
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
Single Meter- Single Element, Panel-Mount Wattmeter
100 mW to 10 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz-2.7 GHz
(depending on element)
with N Connectors
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
Single Meter - Dual Element and Selector Switch, Panel-Mount Wattmeter
100 mW to 10 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz - 2.7 GHz
(depending on element)
with N Connectors
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
Dual Meter - Dual Element, Panel-Mount Wattmeter
100 mW to 10 kW using Bird Plug-in Elements
450 kHz - 2.7 GHz
(depending on element)
with N Connectors
1.05 max. to 1000 MHz
Dual Meter, 2-512 MHz with Sampler Port
100 mW to 1000 W using Bird Plug-in Elements
2 -512 MHz
(depending on element)
with N Connectors
1.05 max. to 512 MHz